Saturday, April 14, 2007

Hi ladies,
Very Cool ARt.......I've started the backgrounds for Judy's book. I'm going to use P for Portals , I'm not sure what letter I'm using next but I'm leaning towards M for Muse. I know I haven't posted here but I just got over being sick and my work schedule doesn't give me much 'play' time. I try to use my free time for my family and artwork but I will try to post more often.
Has anyone seen the book Kalidescope (spelling may be wrong) well, I ordered it from Stampington. I'll share my thoughts on it when I receive it. If any of you guys have read it...let us know what you think.

1 comment:

Wabbit said...

Hurray, Carole posted!

I have Kaleidoscope. think I like it but honestly, the type is so tiny that I find it really difficult to read, especially at the end of the day when I have time and the inclination to read.